Summer 2024:Jun 09 - Aug 25 2024


Fall 2017 Registration Open Until Sep-21-2017

Broward- Welcome to Spring 2024 Season.

Dear Tennis Lovers:

Welcome to a new year and a fresh season!

The schedule for Broward- Spring 2024 has been released. Juniors draw to be released by next weekend. 

There are still some pending signups expected to be added later this week.

Here are some guidelines and reminders for both new and returning players:

Matches are to be played as a best of three sets. 

If both players agree to have a super tie-break (10 points) as the third set, please make this decision before the match begins.

Round-robin matches: Until Mon Mar 18 2024.

We have a total of 7 weeks allocated for the round-robin matches. The goal is to have at least one match per week in each division.

Playoff: Mar 19 - Apr 14 2024:

Qualification Criteria to the Playoff: 
To be eligible for the playoffs, a minimum of 60% of the matches must be played. 
Any matches scheduled beyond Mar 18 are considered as bonus matches, allowing you to play additional games if your schedule allows.

If you find yourself with a weekly opponent located far from your location, you have the option to skip that match and instead reach out to another opponent , choosing one that is more convenient for you to fill that particular week.

How to check my matches and schedule?

- Log in

- Navigate to the 'My matches' link on your dashboard to access information about your weekly matches. Here, you can view details such as your opponent's NTRP rating, the play-by date (the deadline for recording your score), and contact information to email your opponent.
-Don't forget to pre-set your available days in advance, allowing your weekly opponent to view and confirm open slots.
-It's essential to maintain an active pace by playing at least one match per week. Reach out to your weekly opponent ahead of time to schedule the match. .

What should I do if I'm injured or traveling?

Simply inform your opponent for that particular week. If you can't play before the weekly play by date and schedule it for another week.
Tennis Balls:

Both teams/players must provide a fresh can of balls. One ball can be used for the first two sets, and if the second can remain unopened during the match, it will be given to the winner at the end of the match if not used in the third set.

Please refer to rules and FAQ section under league info menu or feel free to reach us out for any queries.

Refer to Rules link if needed- aptleague | Rules

Good Luck and Have Fun!

Call or text @ 954-899-0997 if needed.

Have Fun!